Pride Month 2024

At MSB, we recognise that Pride is not only a celebration, but an opportunity to stand up and support the LGBTQ+ community. Our trans community are especially vulnerable at this time, and during Pride Month, our LGBTQ+ committee have spent time educating our colleagues on trans rights, which we share with you here.


Transphobia in the UK has risen with a recent spate of transphobic attacks stoked by a political and media culture war over trans rights.

Incidents in transphobic hate crime increased by 11% between 2022 and 2023, to the highest number recorded since 2012. [Source]

Most will be familiar with the tragic murder of Brianna Ghey on 11th February last year.

Brianna, aged 16, was an out and proud transgender girl. She was stabbed to death in Warrington in premeditated attack which the criminal court found to be motivated in part by her transgender identity. The two teenagers who murdered her were given custodial sentences exceeding 20 years each.  [Source]

Support services are vital at this time and MSB were proud this month to hold our annual Drag Bingo event to fundraise for the Liverpool CAB Hate Crime Support Team who offer tailored support to those who have experienced an LGBTQ+ hate crime including helping victims to report to the police, understand their rights, and access specialist support services.

Trans Healthcare

NHS waiting lists for a first appointment at a gender identity clinic are now exceeding five years. Clinics can assess and confirm a diagnosis of gender dysphoria which then enables patients to access gender affirming care which may include hormone or surgical treatment. The lengthy wait can be extremely distressing for those unable to afford private healthcare and has resulted in severe cases of anxiety and depression. [Source]

Trans healthcare has been the subject of recent media focus after the release of the Cass Review. This was an independent report commissioned by NHS England in response to the sharp rise in referrals England’s only youth gender clinic, The Tavistock Centre. The centre was closed in March amid concerns about the treatment delivered there.

The Cass Review made several recommendations for reform to trans healthcare. The review has led to stakeholders voicing concerns about the inability for trans youth to access gender affirming care which could result in harm to both them and their families. Issues include the chilling effect of the highly polarised environment in which clinicians are operating and the variable standard of case in contrast to care for cisgender youths. The review recommends against blanket bans on social transition and medical intervention such as puberty blockers and gender affirming hormones. Proposals include creating regional services, improving clinical training and development, and designing new models of care and services. [Source]

Funding is essential for research and the development of evidence-based trans healthcare which is accessible in a timely manner.

NHS England have set out a plan for action in response to the report including the opening of two new regional youth gender services in April, one of which is based in Alder Hey Children’s Hospital. [Source]

Trans Education

In December, the Government issued draft guidance to schools on youth transition. While this was welcomed by some, others have vehemently criticised the guidance as hostile to and undermining transgender identity for inviting schools to question the reasons for a child presenting as ‘gender-questioning’ and discouraging the adoption of different pronouns. [Source]

The guidance has been rejected in some schools who prefer to maintain their current approach. For example, Chesterfield High School in Liverpool has invested hundreds of thousands of pounds in gender-neutral toilets, has gender-neutral uniforms and mixed-gender sports. [Source]

In May, the Government announced guidance which would ban sex education for all children under the age of nine and any teaching on gender ideology, although it has not been made clear what this includes.

Critics liken the guidance to Section 28, legislation made in 1998 which banned schools discussing homosexuality until it was repealed in 2003. [Source]

MSB are committed to promoting the interests of the LGBTQ+ community and specialise in a range of services including criminal injuries compensation, protective injunctions, change of name deeds, surrogacy and adoption. You can view our specialised services and contact our dedicated team here:

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