Care proceedings Practical tips for clients   

At MSB Solicitors, we understand how difficult it can feel to have social services involved with your family, particularly in care proceedings, pre proceedings PLO or if your child is on a child protection plan. It is important that you are getting legal advice from a solicitor if social services are involved with your family, and legal aid is available for you to access legal advice. We want our clients to feel supported through the process of having social services involvement with their family. Here are some tips on how you can help us to help you throughout your case: 


1. Be organised: Care proceedings, pre proceedings or child protection plans for your child/children can be complex and involve a lot of paperwork and information. Keeping us updated will help us to stay on top of your case and ensure that all necessary documents such as statements, reports from agencies you’re working with etc, are submitted on time. In addition, you should:

      a. Keep a record of the telephone numbers for your solicitor, social worker, guardian, contact centre, etc. 

      b. You should maintain a list of all contacts and courses that you attend, including any contact with your child/children or course appointments that you may have missed and the reason for that.  

       c. It is helpful if you keep a list of appointments or meetings you have attended with social services and a note of what was discussed at the meeting. Professionals will take notes and it is fine for you to also make notes so that you remember what was discussed and when.  


2. Stay in touch: Keep us informed of any changes in your circumstances or anything that could affect the case. This will include:

       a. Ensuring that your solicitor, social worker, guardian, and other professionals are told of any changes to your telephone number, email and address or a change in personal circumstances for example the end of a relationship, or the start of new one.
       b. Keep in touch with your solicitor regularly.  


3. Be honest: We cannot give you the best advice and representation if we do not have all the facts. Tell us the full story and be honest.  


4. Ask questions to understand: If something is unclear to you, don’t be afraid to ask us. We can explain the process and help you to understand what is happening.  

For example: 

a. If you have a Contract or Schedule of Expectations in place, please take the time to read it carefully and seek advice from your Solicitor if you do not understand it. It is sensible to speak to your solicitor before signing any agreement to make sure you understand what you are agreeing to.   

If you have been contacted by social services regarding your child/children we have a team of expert solicitors who are able to support you and provide advice. For more information, contact Daniel Pierce on 

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